Friday, July 18, 2008

RSS feeds

This has been an interesting lesson. I've had fun setting up my google reader. I think it is something that I will have to get used to using though. It is so ingrained in me to just click around on the news, weather, etc. The google blogsearch was really easy to use. I also just checked to see if any of the standard sites I use were available for RSS. I think you have to be careful with some of them as they are not kept up. There were a couple of book review sites that looked good, but had not had messages for a year or more, and they still came up on the blogsearch. There were lots of librarian sites. I like the Librarians Index to the Internet. I did not connect to any of the mystery reading ones as I just didn't find a blog that looked very interesting. Let me know if you find a good one!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Creating my blog!

I don't think I am going to get very daring until I am more sure of myself here. The hardest part about creating this blog so far has been thinking of a name. I must have gone through 30 titles which had all been used. Just shows you how creative I am. Obviously not very, or maybe great minds think alike! I think I will choose to think the latter.

I wanted to use a title and URL that would tell a little about me. That meant something about my grandgirls, reading mysteries, doing research, or my big passion - bird watching. I tried something in each one of those, but they were all taken. Then lo and behold, right in the middle of my massage last night, I thought of this URL. And, I was lucky enough to remember it all the way to this morning!

So far, so good. Will anyone find this interesting? I don't know. I've read most of the others I envy the creativeness of y'all. It was a big deal to me just changing the font! Maybe I will get braver as the days go by.

Getting started

Well – okay. I’ve made it this far! Wow. Having watched the tutorial on the 7 ½ Habits, I think the hardest one for me will be Number 6: Use technology to your advantage. I may well be the only person left on earth who does not have a computer, cell phone or anything like that in my personal life. Even my 95 year old friend has e-mail at her home! I do use technology to my advantage in my work though. I try to take classes that will help me in my job, although I don’t always find the time to do it. The easiest would be the last. PLAY!! I like to play – at least to have fun and try to find humor in most everything I do. I think here at the library we all do that.